Photographer Timo Oksanen, a member of a Finnish aurora hunter's group, travels hundreds of miles every year in search of the stunning light displays. "Clear skies are a must," he explains. "Last October, we travelled around the northern Finland-Norwegian border for up to five hours simply to find clear skies, returning at 4am. There is always more to find – new locations, and revisiting at different times of year." Taken on a Canon EOS R6 with a Canon RF 15-35mm F2.8L IS USM lens at 15mm, 10 secs, f/2.8 and ISO6400. © Timo Oksanen
Several times a year, Timo Oksanen makes the 12-hour drive from his hometown in Finland to Lapland, the country's northernmost region. He's on the hunt for auroras, the luminous atmospheric phenomena that create light displays in the sky. "I'm addicted to the beauty of it," says Timo, who jokingly describes himself as the aurora whisperer. "I love the hunt for the nights when the aurora is really dancing, and to come up with something new as a photographer."
The long drives have been worth it, and the Finnish photographer has built a gallery of breathtaking aurora photos and time-lapse sequences, shot on his Canon EOS R6, which have proved hugely popular on social media.